Blog Premium Ads

Best In-App Ad Formats

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PremiumAds Publishers’ Top Choices


App Open

Ads that appear during the loading experience of an app, triggered when a user opens or switches back to a backgrounded app.

Learn more about app open ads


Interstitial ads block all or part of content and appear between content at natural breaks and transitions, such as level completion, and do not offer a user a reward.

Learn more about app interstitial

Native Ads

Native ads help ensure that your ads match the look and feed of your content.

Learn more about native ads


Rewarded ads are any size ads where a user explicitly opts-into an ad experience in order to receive a reward from the publisher.

Learn more about rewarded ads

Compile an effective price rule

Once the integration is implemented, PremiumAds will contact you to ask for fundamental data for ad unit creation. Here you can easily set your floor price requirements with us, which will be our guideline to optimise & monetise your inventories at best

For more productive process, we suggest you prepare following information about your apps & inventories in prior:

  • App Store Link
  • Ad formats you will run
  • Floor prices that you would like to set for each ad format
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