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6 Steps To Fix AdMob Ad Limits

6 steps to fix AdMob's ad limits
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There’s the common headache when earning advertising revenue through AdMob, that is ad limits. Many mobile app developers find it hard to resolve the problem on their own, but it is not impossible. By gathering information through researching and experience, we give you our detailed steps to fix your AdMob ad limits below.


If your AdMob account suddenly got ad limited, following these steps might help you. The first thing to do is to understand why you got the ad limited by AdMob, this is mostly because there’s something wrong with your ad placements.


Generally, after getting ad limitations, AdMob will sometimes lift the limit for 1-2 weeks or a month to see if the game developers did anything to correct the situation. After that period of time, AdMob will continue to put ad limits once again if you didn’t fix the issues. This loop goes on until you have successfully fix the error. Therefore, there’s a high chance of incorrect ad placements that leads to ad limitations.


Steps you should take:

  1. Try figure out where you have done wrong with your ads
  2. Remove all ad IDs and do not re-add those until AdMob lifts the limits (1-2 weeks or a month)
  3. Fix the ad display issues you have found or slowly testing to see what is the error
  4. Restrain ad requests from staggering by setting a % of ad requests. Increase 10% request after each day so AdMob won’t see it as suspicious activity
  5. AdMob may re-put the ad limits again after 2-4 weeks of the change to evaluate your fixed issues. After that period, AdMob will lift the limits for good if you have done everything correctly.
  6. If the limits keep on happening, you’ll have to fix and test for awhile until Google decides you have finanlly done it right.


If you’re having a hard time figuring out what’s wrong with your ads, try the following:

  1. Remove all ad IDs.
  2. Re-add one ad ID at a time to see which one is incorrectly implemented.
  3. After finding out where’s the problem, there are 2 choices: fix the ad format, or remove the it.

E.g,  After removing all ad IDs, re-add ad IDs for Banner ads first, then increase 10% of ad requests per day. This is to prevent AdMob from detecting any abnormalities with your ad traffic. If the banners are working fine, then proceed to add Interstital ads and  keep working on the same steps with other ad formats. If you got it wrong at any ad formats, the limits will come back just after a week.  That’s how you find out which ad format is incorrectly implemented and choose to fix it or remove it for good.


Frequent mistakes when implementing ad formats

1. Native ads

  • Borders are too visible
  • Not including the Ads Choice icon


2. Banner ads

  • Covering the content, functional buttons, or too close to the buttons that confuse users
  • On-purposely resizing the banner after loading


3. Interstitial ads

  • Appearing too many times, after every action
  • Misleading users’ flow
  • Popping up right after the app is opened


4. Open ads

  • Placing another ad right after showing an app-open ad


Note: Some errors like native ads’ borders too visible, banners covering the content, app-open ad overwrite another ad, are usually considered as policy violations. Hence it may affect the whole app or AdMob account, not only the ad limits.


Read more about best ad placements strategy for your ads.


Google AdMob’s ad limits may sometimes hard to determine. The above steps though may take a while to do but they sure can help you with lifting the limitations of your ad traffic.


At PremiumAds, we have a team of Google Ads experts who can help you with clearing the headache. As a Google Certified Publishing Partner, not only we can do our best to bring you the highest ad performance, but also shield you against policy violations. Reach out to us and see how we can help you.



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